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A strict serialism (2)

 Article publié le 2 janvier 2011.


Put the series in the index

Ain’t life awfully serial sometimes ? No way.

Boundary of a language (of any language), a series stands. I sleep around its shape.

Incredible ! A series with no name !

Ordering series may disturb one’s brain. Never count.

Series ain’t virtual. That’s not true.

May a series of changes become a series of chances. It’ll remain a series anyway.

Be a series more than a term of the series.

Series at dawn don’t raise no gate.

The sand of a series never achieved to a ground.

Sleeping too much may cost you things of series on arrival. Think about it !


Logical things are often expressed by a series or more. Let them leave the room.

Nothing can hurt me but series.

Opening doors cannot reveal series.

One Can’t lose time. One Just Can waste series.

Limiting a series may be uneasy (sometimes).

Series was seen alive in Rio.

Feel the heat of the series. Sounds like a human body, not there.

Don’t You breathe as may a series. You could wave your arms instead.

A single series - a shadowy staircase

The only series kept me out of things : twas my brain (and silence)

I kept all series hidden under a mount of stones and keys.

Follow me dark series over my head - just like a hat. Protected from nothing.

Series may behave like a masterless hammer.


Let series bleed.

Let series be.

Let there be series.

Be à bee – as a series.

A bee’s not a tree - but both are series.

All had been forgiven to a series. All but one word, forgotten.

Series belongs to the working-class for sure.

Say hello to all series (as they stand).

Is there a science of series ?

Is there a soul a series could lose ?


Die serie war als ein stein - und sprach.

Series was certainly series before there were series. Although, the trouble was obvious.

My eyes open with series, i mean : right-hand series with left eye, left-hand series with right eyes. Then should the vision be complete. And go to sleep.

A series knows no hour.

Could a string propagate sound if not series ?

There’s a brain in my series... it hurts.

Herr Derrick singt eine zwolf-ton reihe.

Too tired to write the whole series.

God is rather a series. But series are better human.

Z is the series. Is N its unknown name ?

Some series lie under my fingers. Don’t they sleep.

Nothing can stop series. Can series stop anything ?

Angoisse d’un instant : est-il possible que la série meure ?

A series can’t behave like a thing.

Once up on a mind came a series nearly blind...

There Is no stairway to series. Series be the stairway.

On a series of no word i may have little to say.

There might be time between series. Not much, though.

Steps in the snow can remind me of series.

I may have lost time with series.


Mein hertz ging durch die serie.

To be a series may occur.

Some series are sold on the supermarket place.

Series may joke, sometimes they play

If a series could be named, i wouldn’t even try.

If my brain was a series i would know It.

Today a series was a table. And i happened to be a chair.

Some series make a heavy noise, don’t they ?

Series - they never turn back ?

Under series, step by step, shadows of the evening spell your name.

The fright would be to see the light - of all series - at once.


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